What is Johrei?
JOHREI is the name given to the channelling of a spiritual energy or Divine Light to purify one’s spiritual body and awaken our divine nature. In Japanese, Johrei means “purification of the spirit”.
Johrei is not merely another technique to be applied for the healing of physical ailments. Its main purpose is to awaken the sou l to the power of the Divine Light, which can change self-centred lives into God-centred ones. Johrei is an action which brings about spiritual fulfilment and true happiness on Earth.
The purpose of Johrei
The ultimate purpose of Johrei is to create paradise on earth. But on a smaller scale, paradise must first be created in our homes and families. For that to occur, we must create paradise in our own hearts.

The world is made up of peoples who form countries. Countries are made up of cities, towns, and villages. Cities, towns, and villages are made up of families. Families are made up of individuals. To create paradise, if the individuals who constitute the basic unit cannot be helped, there is no way to help the entire